The Atelier Pietro Longhi is the only private atelier that can boast the entire reproduction of the Venetian Dogal Court of the second half of the 1500s.
Taken from the famous print kept at the Museo Correr in Venice, over 80 costumes recreate the most important moment of the Venetian public ceremony. of the Renaissance, when the Doge showed himself with his triumphs in Piazza San Marco.
Exposed twice in public, the first time in Pordenone, the second in the halls of the Scuola Grande San Giovanni Evangelista, requiring large spaces. For this reason usually the entire exhibition was chartered for historical re-enactments, thus giving life to completely made clothes and accessories by Francesco and Anna Briggi.
Ten years have passed since the first edition of “Storie di moda”, born from an original idea of Francesco and Raffaele that over the years have involved sponsors and institutions to show the Story in a different way. Through the lenses of fashion, the history of Venice, its architecture, its art, its wars and political changes have been known, from the Middle Ages to the present day.
Thanks to the encyclopedic knowledge of fashion and its evolution, other temporary exhibitions have developed from Korea to Argentina, with different themes, such as the symbols of power in Europe, for which precise studies have been done as well as on clothing on jewelry and iconography of different eras. But also of Napoleonic uniforms of different periods and degrees, so as to show the variety of uniformology to its dawn, or single pieces made to illustrate an era to complete a broader discourse.
The atelier therefore offers the complete service of developing a project or supporting an existing project. Historical materials and cutting tare used o explain, in an alternative way, different moments of human evolution, in every aspect and social class.